
Reality Therapy

Last Updated: June 08, 2024       by: TherapistPoint Editorial Team

A Practical Approach to Personal Accountability and Change

Reality Therapy is a therapeutic approach that emphasizes personal responsibility and practical problem-solving. Developed by Dr. William Glasser in the 1960s, it offers a framework for individuals seeking to address life’s challenges through a focus on present behavior and actionable steps. Unlike traditional therapies that delve deeply into past experiences, Reality Therapy centers on how present choices affect one’s life and well-being.

Core Principles

  1. Choice Theory: At the heart of Reality Therapy is Choice Theory, which posits that all behavior is a choice driven by the desire to fulfill basic needs. These needs include love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun. According to Choice Theory, individuals have the power to choose their behaviors, and by understanding this, they can make better decisions to meet their needs.

  2. Focus on the Present: Reality Therapy encourages individuals to concentrate on the here and now rather than on past issues. By addressing current behaviors and their impact on achieving personal goals, individuals can make effective changes that improve their lives.

  3. Personal Responsibility: The approach underscores the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions. Rather than blaming external factors or past experiences, Reality Therapy promotes the idea that individuals have the power to control their actions and, consequently, their outcomes.

  4. Behavioral Change: Reality Therapy involves actively identifying and altering behaviors that are counterproductive or ineffective. The therapist works collaboratively with the client to develop strategies for adopting new, more effective behaviors that align with their goals.

  5. Problem-Solving: Central to the therapeutic process is problem-solving. Clients are encouraged to explore practical solutions to their difficulties, thereby fostering a sense of control and efficacy in their lives.

The Therapeutic Process

Reality Therapy typically unfolds through several key stages:

  1. Building a Relationship: Establishing a strong, trusting relationship between the therapist and the client is crucial. This relationship forms the foundation for effective therapy and supports the client in making meaningful changes.

  2. Exploring Needs and Goals: The therapist helps the client identify their unmet needs and personal goals. This involves understanding how current behaviors are either meeting or failing to meet these needs.

  3. Evaluating Current Behavior: Clients assess their existing behaviors to determine if they are effective or detrimental in achieving their goals. This step involves honest self-reflection and evaluation of how well current actions align with desired outcomes.

  4. Creating a Plan: Together, the therapist and client develop a practical plan for change. This plan includes setting specific, achievable goals and identifying new behaviors that will support reaching those goals.

  5. Implementing and Monitoring: The client implements the plan and the therapist monitors progress. Regular reviews and adjustments ensure that the strategies remain effective and relevant.

Applications and Effectiveness

Reality Therapy is versatile and can be applied in various settings, including individual therapy, group therapy, and educational environments. It is particularly effective for individuals dealing with issues such as relationship conflicts, low self-esteem, addiction, and academic or career challenges.


Reality Therapy offers a pragmatic approach to personal development by emphasizing choice, responsibility, and practical problem-solving. Its focus on present behavior and proactive change equips individuals with the tools to improve their lives and achieve their goals. By empowering people to take control of their actions and make meaningful choices, Reality Therapy fosters a sense of agency and promotes lasting personal growth.

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